Sometimes life just doesn’t go as planned
We put in our best but it slips through our hands
We had our moments that were golden and bright
But somehow we couldn’t keep moving in the same light

We both knew deep down inside
If we kept going, it would only divide
Our hearts would ache, and we’d end up hurt
So we decided to make a change and put an end to our worth

I had to say goodbye, it wasn’t easy
My heart didn’t want to stop loving you, but my head knew it was for the best
I promised you that it would never happen again
And that we would both be better off in the end

I knew it wouldn’t be easy to let you go
My heart didn’t want to accept that it was time to say no
But it was time to accept that we were better off apart
And that we both deserved to find happiness, even if not in each other’s heart

We couldn’t force it, it had to come naturally
It was time to let go, and to begin a new reality
We both agreed that it was for the best
And that time would heal us and put our hearts to rest

I had to say goodbye, it wasn’t easy
My heart didn’t want to stop loving you, but my head knew it was for the best
I promised you that it would never happen again
And that we would both be better off in the end

Moving on is never easy, but we have to try
It takes time and patience, and sometimes it feels like a lie
But we have to remember that there is always a new play waiting for us
We can’t turn our back on the future, even if it means letting go of the past

I had to say goodbye, it wasn’t easy
My heart didn’t want to stop loving you, but my head knew it was for the best
I promised you that it would never happen again
And that we would both be better off in the end

Sometimes things don’t work out, even when we try our best
In the end, it’s just not enough, and we have to put our hearts to the test
But we have to keep moving forward, even if it means letting go
Because in the end, we’ll find happiness and love, and life will begin to glow.

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